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State of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Parole Board , Department of Corrections

Parole Process for Victims

In order to ensure timely notification to victims of parole hearings or of an inmate’s release on parole, address changes must be provided to the Board as soon as possible. Contact the Department of Corrections' Office of Victim Services Victim Advocate at 401-462-0381 or the Parole Board Office (401) 462-0900.

Scales of Justice


Rhode Island law gives victims of crime the right to notice and an opportunity to address the Parole Board (in writing or in person) regarding the impact of the crime. The Board may, in its discretion, permit the non-offending parent and/or legal guardian of a victim who is a minor at the time of the hearing to address the board on behalf of the minor. This law defines ‘victim’ as one who has sustained personal injury or loss of property directly attributable to the criminal conduct for which the inmate has been incarcerated” (RI General Laws 12-28-6). In homicide cases, a member of the immediate family of the deceased victim may address the Parole Board.


Victim Input

Information from a victim of crime (or immediate family members of a minor or deceased victim of crime) helps the Board to understand and appreciate the effects of the crime and on the victims. Input from victims often times provides information that might otherwise not be available.

Please contact the Department of Corrections' Office of Victim Services Victim Advocate at 401-462-0381 or call the Parole Board office (401) 462-0900 if you wish to submit a letter or wish to schedule a meeting with the Board to provide an impact statement. Inmates are not present at victim meetings, and the meeting gives victims the opportunity to ask the Board questions. In this way the victims gain a better understanding of the parole process and the prison systems. If an inmate is granted parole release, the victim input could inform conditions placed on the inmate's parole release.

If you are a victim of crime who wishes to submit an impact statement to the Parole Board, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

NO. Parole release is discretionary and a parole hearing is an opportunity to be considered for parole, it is not an automatic guarantee of parole release. Sometimes the Parole Board could grant parole at the first hearing OR the Board could deny parole and then make a determination whether or not to reconsider the inmate in the future.

MAYBE. If parole is denied at the initial hearing, the Board has discretion to consider whether and/or when the Board might reconsider an inmate in the future. To make this determination, the Board could consider the length of sentence, risk, institutional record, parole plan and other considerations.

YES. Notice of a parole consideration hearing or a future reconsideration hearing is mailed to the victim(s) on file for the case(s) at last known addresses. To ensure notification of parole consideration hearings or release, address changes must be provided to the Board as soon as possible. 

The Board is required to consider several factors including the nature and seriousness of the offense, victim impact, criminal history, institutional adjustment and disciplinary record, behavioral changes, efforts at rehabilitation, risk assessments(s), release plan, community safety, and treatment needs to name a few.

The inmate is provided a written notice of the Board's decision through their institutional counselor. Victims can obtain information about a parole decision by contacting the Parole Board at (401) 462-0904 or (401) 462-0902. Redacted minutes of all hearings are published to the RI Secretary of State website (Open Meetings section).

YES. The Board is authorized to set any conditions of parole release. Standard conditions include keeping the peace / being of good behavior, not using alcohol or prohibited drugs, reporting to an assigned parole officer, not leaving the state without permission, and maintaining a steady home and work plan. The Parole Board may also add special conditions such as treatment, GPS monitoring, or no contact with victims, or any other condition that addresses the safe and successful re-entry of the offender.

Parolees are supervised by a parole officer from the Department of Corrections, Community Corrections Division. Parole officers are authorized to file a violation report with the Parole Board whenever a parolee does not follow parole conditions. Under RI law, if a parolee commits a new criminal offense while on parole, the Chairperson issues a warrant to bring the person back to the ACI for a violation hearing. If the parolee has a technical violation of a condition of parole (not a new criminal charge), the Chairperson could issue a warrant or the violation conduct could be addressed in the community (perhaps with sanctions, or other requirements).


If you have any questions or need additional information you may Contact Us or review the Resources page for further information.