Parole Eligibility & Public Comment
Anyone may write to the Parole Board and offer comments on a candidate scheduled for a parole hearing (RIGL 12-28-6, 13-8-26). When writing to the Board, please include your name, address, and contact information. To ensure your written comments are received on time, please make all efforts to send them in by the first of the month. Contact Us.
Generally speaking, Rhode Island law allows most eligible inmates to be considered for parole after they have served one-third (1/3) of their prison sentence. Life sentences, sentences for first- or second-degree murder, sentences for first-degree child abuse, and consecutive sentence terms have different parole eligibility calculations. Certain “habitual criminal” sentences or "life without parole" sentences are not eligible for parole. Please refer to the Links to RI law governing parole for specifics.
Once a person is sentenced by the court, the Department of Corrections calculates parole eligibility on that sentence (or sentences) and each month provides a list to the Parole Board of eligible inmates to be scheduled for parole consideration. Our staff assembles a file for each inmate scheduled for parole consideration and also sends notice of the upcoming parole hearing to the named victim(s) in the case.
Anyone may write to the Parole Board and offer comments on a candidate scheduled for a parole hearing (RIGL 12-28-6, 13-8-26). When writing to the Board, please include your name, address, and contact information. To ensure your written comments are received on time, please make all efforts to send them in by the first of the month. Contact Us.
All information about a candidate for parole is provided in advance to parole board members who will eventually consider the parole application.
We publish a list of parole-eligible candidates monthly in The Providence Journal and also to the RI Secretary of State public meetings website. While we make all efforts to publish the list on this website as a courtesy, official listings, and all formal meeting agendas are posted to the Open Meetings section of the website in advance of hearings days.