Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Parole Board , Department of Corrections
Castle Hill Light House


The mission of the Rhode Island Parole Board is to enhance public safety, contribute to the prudent use of public resources and consider the safe and successful re-entry of offenders through discretionary parole.


Welcome to the Rhode Island Parole Board website. The Parole Board is allowed by law to review and decide whether eligible inmates can be released early from a prison term and placed under supervision in the community. The Board is a visible, accountable, and independent decision-making public body that plays an important role in the criminal justice system.

Parole is not leniency or clemency. Certainly, some offenders must be incarcerated for the safety of the public, however, research tells us that incarceration alone does not reduce future crime and is limited in its ability to promote successful reintegration of ex-offenders. This is especially true when considering certain sub-populations of offenders who present unique challenges such as youthful offenders, those with significant medical or mental illness or aging or geriatric offenders. Accordingly, our Rhode Island Parole Board is judicious in its release decisions and is committed to the application of evidence-based best practices that are proven to enhance public safety, reduce recidivism and contribute to the prudent use of public resources. The Parole Board also honors the legal rights of all victims of crime to offer comment. The Parole Process for Victims and Resources page provides further information for survivors and victims who wish to exercise their rights and access our services.

Specific information concerning when an inmate may be eligible for parole, parole laws and guidelines, board membership, resources and how to contact the board is provided throughout this website. We hope this site is of assistance to you and encourage your input to allow us to better serve the citizens of the State of Rhode Island. 

Feel free to contact us if you have questions or comments.